My Projects

Nova and the escape from the Nighmare Raiders
(Verticle Slice)

Role: Gameplay Developer / Project Manager

Nova is a stealth/point-and-click adventure hybrid set in a horror setting. The player's task is to escape from their own spaceship with a valuable artifact. This involves solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles.


Role: Gameplay Developer / Game Designer

MyCroscopy was developed in collaboration with a teacher and was used in her biology class. With this serious game, a small group of students managed to teach the children about microscopy in a playful way.

Moorish Mania 
(Verticle Slice)

Role: Technical Lead & Development / Project Manager / Level Designer

Moorish Mania is a 3D strategy game, which takes place in the setting of the Moors in Spain. The goal is to capture all the bases on the map.

Cold Love

Role: Technical Lead & Systems Developer

Cold Love is an 3D Action-RPG that can also be considered an Action-Adventure with heavy RPG elements. The game is playable as a Couch-Coop, where players will take on the role two secrect agents of the BND. Their goal is to protect world peace in a time that tainted by tensions because of the still ongoing cold war.

© 2025 Robert Lange. All rights reserved.

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